Kalan's Blog

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Software Engineer / Taiwanese / Life in Fukuoka
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身為一位前端工程師,雖然我們不需要把全部的 HTML 標籤背得滾瓜爛熟,但是常見的 HTML 標籤與使用場景還是要有一定程度的了解,根據不同場景使用。 但是,使用語意化標籤的目的是什麼?我發現很多文章對於語意化標籤往往只停在表面,也就是討論某某標籤應該使用在哪裡,導致網頁上的標籤看似多彩繽紛,但使用者體驗卻沒有得到相對的提升。



Impressions after reading the book "異數" (The Otherness): The book "異數" explores the concept of otherness in various aspects of life, including culture, society, and personal experiences. It delves deep into the complexities of human relationships and the struggles faced by individuals who are considered different or marginalized in society. One of the key takeaways from this book is the importance of empathy and understanding towards those who are different from us. It reminds us that everyone has their own unique stories and perspectives, and it is crucial to embrace diversity and promote inclusivity. The author's writing style is engaging and thought-provoking, making it an enjoyable read. The book not only challenges our preconceived notions but also encourages us to question societal norms and biases. Overall, "異數" is a compelling book that sheds light on the significance of embracing otherness and fostering a more inclusive society. It serves as a reminder that our differences should be celebrated rather than feared or ignored.


HTML and CSS can solve many problems, but JavaScript is also very important.

In 2017, I read an article that mainly shared various typesetting techniques achievable with HTML/CSS. Upon first reading, I resonated deeply with it and learned many techniques that I was not familiar with at the time. I highly recommend everyone to take a look. Although JavaScript can solve almost all problems, from the perspective of accessibility design, performance, and bundle size, it is better to use CSS if possible. However, "try not to use JS" does not mean completely avoiding JS, as there are still some differences between the two. In this article, I will reread the aforementioned article and point out some areas that I believe can be improved.