Kalan's Blog

Software Engineer / Taiwanese / Life in Fukuoka

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More than Semantic HTML

身為一位前端工程師,雖然我們不需要把全部的 HTML 標籤背得滾瓜爛熟,但是常見的 HTML 標籤與使用場景還是要有一定程度的了解,根據不同場景使用。 但是,使用語意化標籤的目的是什麼?我發現很多文章對於語意化標籤往往只停在表面,也就是討論某某標籤應該使用在哪裡,導致網頁上的標籤看似多彩繽紛,但使用者體驗卻沒有得到相對的提升。

HTML and CSS can solve many problems, but JavaScript is also very important.

In 2017, I read an article that mainly shared various typesetting techniques achievable with HTML/CSS. Upon first reading, I resonated deeply with it and learned many techniques that I was not familiar with at the time. I highly recommend everyone to take a look. Although JavaScript can solve almost all problems, from the perspective of accessibility design, performance, and bundle size, it is better to use CSS if possible. However, "try not to use JS" does not mean completely avoiding JS, as there are still some differences between the two. In this article, I will reread the aforementioned article and point out some areas that I believe can be improved.

Integrate Sentry's Web Vitals into Slack.

Many websites now incorporate the process of measuring Web Vitals to identify areas for improvement through quantifiable metrics. However, what fewer people know is that Sentry actually introduced statistical functionality for Web Vitals earlier, which allows developers to track various indicators such as LCP, FP, and CLS. This enables developers to view relevant charts in the backend, and even includes average values, which is quite thoughtful.

HTML together to understand which form-data

Forms are a common application in web pages, not only can you transfer plain text, but also upload files. However, because the behavior of form is different from other methods of transmission, there are sometimes doubts and misunderstandings. This article tries to understand the ins and outs of the specification, to understand what the form does in the end, and how forms differ from other transport methods, and finally mention what the HTML does behind the form tag.