Kalan's Blog

Kalan 頭像照片,在淡水拍攝,淺藍背景


Software Engineer / Taiwanese / Life in Fukuoka
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Current Theme light


Please notice that currenly most of posts are translated by AI automatically and might contain lots of confusion. I'll gradually translate the post ASAP

Change from prismjs to shiki

shiki is a package that provides syntax highlighting for code. It is relatively new and less well-known compared to other packages like highlightjs and prismjs. shiki uses TextMate grammar as its tokenizer definition, which makes it easy to extend with a unified standard without the need for custom language development.

Additionally, it has a wide range of supported languages and is easy to configure. It also offers many built-in themes, so I replaced prismjs with it. Install gatsby-remark-shiki and apply the settings, and you're good to go!

Encountered some minor issues:

  • React's highlight was originally used, but it needs to be changed to jsx or tsx.
  • If using c++, it needs to be changed to cpp.

Let's see the result:

const Component = () => <MyComponent />


tmux Shortcut Key Notes


Several use cases of useMemo

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