tmux Shortcut Key Notes

Written byKalanKalan

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    This post is translated by ChatGPT and originally written in Mandarin, so there may be some inaccuracies or mistakes.

    I've always had the habit of switching tabs directly through the tab feature of iTerm2. While this approach isn't problematic, ever since I discovered the benefits of using tmux, I've shifted all my terminal operations to it. tmux introduces a few key concepts: session, window, and panel. Each window can contain multiple panels, and each panel can access different sessions, which is incredibly convenient when working with remote servers.

    Its shortcut key philosophy is quite unique, using <C-b> as a prefix for other key combinations. In this article, I’ll document some of the shortcuts I commonly use:

    tmux new -s nameCreate a new session
    tmux a -t nameWhen the terminal closes, tmux retains the session; you can attach to restore the original session state
    tmux lsList the current sessions
    cCreate window
    &Kill window
    .Name window
    %Vertical split (within the same page)
    "Horizontal split (within the same page)
    xKill panel
    ,Rename panel
    zTemporarily hide other panels

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