Kalan's Blog

Software Engineer / Taiwanese / Life in Fukuoka

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This morning I came across this Leaving MySQL article. If there's one main point in this article, it would be what the author wrote:

MySQL is a pretty poor database, and you should strongly consider using Postgres instead.

In a footnote, the author specifically mentioned that using MariaDB wouldn't be any better.

I first learned about PostgreSQL because of Ruby on Rails. At that time, I encountered some issues with setting up MySQL, so I used PostgreSQL as the database. Since then, whenever I deal with databases, I always choose PostgreSQL.

Later on, I discovered some attractive features of PostgreSQL, such as support for JSON type (which I remember MySQL didn't have at that time), and its rich indexing options1. I even tried using PostGIS for practicing geospatial applications. Overall, PostgreSQL has always provided me with a great experience, so please continue to choose PostgreSQL.


  1. https://blog.kalan.dev/2021-12-07-postgre-sql-note-index/


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愷開 | Kalan

Hi, I'm Kai. I'm Taiwanese and moved to Japan in 2019 for work. Currently settled in Fukuoka. In addition to being familiar with frontend development, I also have experience in IoT, app development, backend, and electronics. Recently, I started playing electric guitar! Feel free to contact me via email for consultations or collaborations or music! I hope to connect with more people through this blog.